Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final reflection

1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were you goals? Did you meet these goals?
At very beginning, I was saying that i wish i could help more community member with my ability, learnning more knowledges about the procedure of get into a good college and learn more about the laws to use to defend my own right. But to be honest, it is not totally what i eager to learn in UCAOB, my intention of working for UCAOB is to learn more of NETWORK, AND BUSSINESS. ANYONE, no matter who you are, all have selfish side in your mind. i dont want just go in to UCAOB to serve and help all the members, and whats in there for me? I'm not that great, OK? but i do love to see the big smile on those people's face when they got their problem solved. and i enjoyed talking with my mentor Andy. i learnt alot from him. Only thing i regret and unsatisfide about this site is i don't think my english skill improved any and i don't really have chance to speak any english to anyone. So, overall, i dont think i have meet those goles that i set for myself, only quarter way through, i guess.

2. What are the most important things you’ve learned?
Wow. honestly, i don't now how to response to this question. MOST IMPORTANT??? really don't have much i have learnt from that, maybe all those details could add to a big idea. but i don't know how to summarize it. anyways, i guess how the non-profit like UCAOB function is what i learnt most important!!

3. In what ways have your grown as a student/young adult?
Actually, i feel like i have grown up already, more mature, handle things more carefully, and to the adult, i became more polite and more respectful. in addtion. i work more efficently and effectively,, i guess.

4. What were the highlights of your internship experience?
every guest went to the UCAOB is a highlight to me. all of them came to UCAOB for variety of problem. and seeing them got their problem solve i also feels very happy for them. But for those citizens like age between 30-40, come to UCAOB apply for housing or food stamps, i dont really like it. because i think lazy people should not get rewarded and being helped .

5. Describe a memorable moment or experience.
Oh, this is hard for me to answer, because everyday is the same. . so sorry.

6. What challenges did you overcome?
Biscally, i haven't really encounter any challenges, one chanllege i think i mentioned once in the past blog is making a phone call for a senior customer who came to UCAOB, and he wanna to know how long it will takes him to know where he will be assign with a apartment room. so my mentor was busy, he ask me to make phone call for this senior. and i was pretty nevous because i haven't done such thing before. so the first call was not successful, i didn't know what to say. so i thinked about it for a minutes, and called again, the phone is answered by some lady, and i asked if the one i looking for is there. but the lady hang up the phone. i was vary embarressed and went to talk to my mentor, and i lied to him, i say: "i called the number and a lady picked up the phone, but she told me that nobody there. and so my mentor called the phone again, fortunately, the someone i asked for really not there. so i was relaxed after then..

7. What advice would you give a new intern at this site? Your answer to this question will be used next year with the upcoming juniors.
I would suggest them ask questiones more frequently, and talk to your mentor more, when he is free. and by chance, if you done with your work, and your mentor is busy help others, you could go talk to others who need help. maybe you can help them out, because a lot of them come in UCAOB just because they dont get what the english letter says. in addition, if there is no othere guest needs help and your mentor is helping someone. listen to their conversation. you will learnt alot from it.

8. What will you miss about your internship?
i think what i will miss the most is talking to my mentor. Andy. because you really gives me alot of advice during our conversation.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Vocabs of this week

1:online venting sites: 网上发泄的网站

Meaning: it mean some your personal website, you use to realease your anger and madness of your fellows of work or things you encounter during the work. more specificly it might related to your personal life. such like writing blog.

Context: i saw this phrase when i was reading the "the 13 things you shouldn't share during the work" article.

2:ostracize: 排斥

meaning:expel from a community or group

Context: I am uncertain about where i learnt this word. probably when i was doing some research during the work and saw it, and then checked it out. however, im sure i just learnt this word in the past week.

3.statistically: 据统计。

meaning: the respect to statistic

Context: it comes in front of my sight while i was doing the stock exchange and i saw this word in some new.

Orgasm: 高潮

Meaning:the moment of most intense pleasure during the sexual intercourse.

context: well, i was reading the artical that called "Do you know?" it says:"pigs' organsm can lasting 30 mins. which is longest organsm. and you cut off cockroach's head, they still can live for 9 nines. they die is because they dont have mouth to eat. they staved to death. and so on. which was a pretty interesting article.


meaning: make dirty or spotty

context: well, it was also in the article that is called "the 13 things you shouldn
t talk about during the work." as one girl talk to a guy about slang, she said "in formal place use slang will tarnish your perfessional image."

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mentor Interview


1. What is your full name?
Andy Yu

2. Where are you from (city, state, country)?
Taoyuan City, Taiwan

3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Do you plan to go back to school?
Evergreen State College, Washington State

4. (If the interviewee went to college)… What was your major in college and what kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and where?
Community Building and Psycology

5. Why did you choose your professional field?
I was always looking for a job that can also benefit the community. so the field of non-profit is one of htose career that allow me to acheive the goal.

6. What got you involved in this field of work? What inspired you to do it?
in my school year, i ave encountered many mentors, and people was ver friendly and kindly helped me with my studies and and to decide my future. so this career is the way of giving back.

7. Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company?
Bensonhurt is no the area most asian immigrants move into, s the need for those immigrants to fit into the ammerican society is great.

8. How long have you worked here?
Approximately 5 months so far.

9. What is your job title?

10. What do your duties include? Or What kinds of work does your job involve?
Providing community members direct service to their need for applying social services, benefits, and solve their problems, etc. Also, refer them to the proper government agency to address their issues. additionally, sometime manage programs and arrange classes' scedules.

11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
there still alot of our community member need to be educated, and they have hard time to adopt to the american society.

12. What is the best part of your job?
seeing people got their problems solved. provindng information help them ease their life.

13. What is something you would like to change about your job?
wish to have more community member to be involved as volunteer to serve our community, and to make our community a better and friendly place for all immigrants.

14. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that similar/different?
Yes, i did. i was working at aroma foundation in San Diago for 4 years. smillar place with the current job is it both serve the community. but the first one was give out money, current one is demanding for money.

15. What do you see as your future with this company?
to be more knowledgable about community issues, and able to expand our workplace and service. so we can serve more people in our commnity

16. Do you enjoy the kind of work you do? Why or why not?
similar answer as 12.

17. Do you plan to open your own business one day?
if i see a place that need similar service, maybe i will think to own/establish a center to service people there.

18. How has having an intern helped your company or organization advance or progress?
it really helps keeping our work in the process. because there really have not enough people that volunteer themsevlves to work with us and serve our community. have a intern, helps us cleaned up many little details during the work.

19. What advice would you give to high school-aged interns (such as myself) getting ready for college?
work hard, choose the major that you are interesting in. because if you force youself to learn or to do something you dislike. you have to pay double effort to accomplish the goal.

20. What advice would you give to high school-aged interns (such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world?
participate in as much club or community service as you can. cause social experience is as important as school is.

21. what kind of student were you as you were in the high school/?
My grade was little bit above the average. and my high school was a very violent place. bad students are everywhere, and they are super-duper hate students with good grade and question asker. and i was little afraid of being beat up by other studetns or teacher. and i was like you. always wondering what you wanna major in as i attend to a college. also at that time. i really have had no bridge to get to where i dreamt to be. so now im working in UCAOB, hopefully will help more people to build the bridge and help them succeed, and inspire them what they need and what they want.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Midpoint Reflection.

-has the internship been the same as and/or different than your expectations?
Of course, I was expecting the school will send me to some place that related to fashion and art, not Community service. Also i thought they are going to send me to some Amercan Organization, not Chinese Association.

-What is similar and different about the culture of the school environment versus the workplace environment?
Workplace is more related to the Commnity, Social experience, and the school are more emphysis the Educational oppounity.

What new skills have you learned that apply to the workplace?
Not much i think, maybe more sociable, it improved my interpersonal skill a little, i guess

Which of these are transferable skills?
Interpersonal skill

What kind of relationship do you have with your mentor and co-workers?
We are like pretty good friends, they are not bossy, and talked to me very friendly. also gave me plenty of good advises to get into a good college.

How have you grown as a result of interacting with professional adults?
Becoming more muture, and handle things more carefully, professionally.

What kinds of communication (verbal and non-verbal skills) have you gained?
I became more proficiently on translating article from english to chinese on the computer.

What challenges at the internship have you faced that you have overcome and how did you overcome them?
Get phone calls and call some phonecalls for customer, still haven't overcome it, maybe is because i'm not too confident in myself. and i think my english skill are not good enough to do it. ..

What challenges have you faced in school as a result of the altered schedule and how are you handling them?

What goals are you working to accomplish during the remaining five weeks of the internship?
oh, alot. majorly is about getting into a college. what are the procedure and what are something i have to considering to impress the college.

What new things have you learned about New York City?
People are complicated in new york. they come to UCAOB for variaty of reasons. housing, food. and laws. but there is not enough fellows that working for the UCAOB could help all of those people. but i hope there will be more people to vulenteer themselves to make our community better.

Second series of Vocabs

No need to say much, this is another series of Vocabs i learnt from my site and some elsewhere.

1.Word: Flaky(This word i heard from the Mr. Sean, as he was talking to my mentor in the hallway)

Meaning: Unusual

2.Word: Agonizing (This word i learnt as Andy talk to his customer, i don't know how to say extremly painful, so i checked in the internet.)

Meaning: ExtremlyPainful

3.Word:IRS(Internal Revenue Service) 国税局 (This is the word i learnt as i reading a article that Andy asked me to read)

Meaning: The bureau of the treasury department responsible for taxes collections.

4.Word:501(c)(3) I know it is not exactly a word, but it stand for Non-profit Organiztion like UCAOB(United Chinese Assocation of Brooklyn), it also something i learnt in my intership site.

5.Word:Plural (This is the word i leant as i asking my mentor some questiones about english grammer)

Meaning: composed more than one thing.

That is all for this article, hope you will also to learn these words.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary

i just want say there is so many words i do not understand and i learnt a lot from working at UCAOB, i appreciate it. and thank you. Few days ago, my mentor required me to write a report for the article that is called "Political activity by nonprofit organizations(that was hard, and i still haven't done with the report). and the following vocabs are mostly from that article. except the number 10, it was learnt as i working on filing the member's informations, they asked me to cancel out the duplicate addresses and conbain it into one also put "Family" at their first name....additionally, i really want to communicate with more and more people who speaks english. because i think my english speaking skill are getting worse also in my site mostly i only read english but not often useing it orally. so i wish that people in my site would just speak english to me, as i dont understand it. they could use chinese to translate for me. i think it could also help me.

Word 1._Subsidy 津贴

Meaning: a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public

Word 2._Expenditure 支出

Meaning: money paid out

Word 3._jeopardizing 危害

Meaning: present a danger to

Word 4._intervene 介入,干涉

Meaning: Get involved, so as to alter or hidden a action.

Word 5._Incumbents 负有义务的

Meaning: necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility

Word 6._Ambiguous

Meaning: open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead

Word 7._Paraphernalia (Gear) 随身用具

Meaning: equipment consisting of miscellaneous articles needed for a particular operation or sport etc.

Word 8._Coinside

Meaning: equals to?

Word 9._Endorse 赞同,支持

Meaning: give support or one's approval to

Word 10._Duplicate 副本

Meaning: something addtional of the same kind

Oh yeah! thats it. . . thanks for read through... man, you are one patient dude!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drill through the milestone

As time goes by, things get clear. As a intern in the UCA not really a very bad thing, but totally have not had any great time yet either!!! Time seems to get longer and longer everyday i worked there. probably I'm getting tired and frustrated about it. Actually there is no thing interesting to talking about, but of this blog thing. i will try to pick some stuff to talk about!!

My instinct tell me that i don't want to stay inside, but i got no choice . outside cold . but hopefully i would do more outside activities, such as talking to people down the street, go visit some else business that could help me do well and get more experience on what people really wants and how the economy and society tend to be. In fact, I really can't sit front computer for hours, that makes my eyes burns and sore. so i always wish that i can go out do some activity, and more involved in the society and what they do as i working there. part of my job there as a intern is office work, and it probably the one thing that i do the most....

Professors, which i means my mentor Vincci and Andy, Their job is to help out Chinese who have problems in the community or of their own life in America. For example, the food stamp, and translate the english letter for them. Most people came in are seniors. they dont know how to speak english, as they need help, we help them. UCA is a non-profit organization, so we don't charged for any of those service we offered to those Senior. additionally, Vincci and Andy both can sign my time paper for internship.

Thats all i gotta to say for this week. Best wish to myself. peace out.!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not so fun Week!!!

It has been a extremely exhuasting week!!! Weather and working doubled together, makes time goes by double slowly.

it sucks so badly. the works always inside doing those the office stuff. Folding paper, type in the member's information into computer. so boring. what can i say lol. the fact is, i dont like stay inside doing the office work, probably i should move to some place warmer. because i want be outside like most of the time.

Even though people are pretty nice there, but seriously, I really can not sit inside doing the office work for three hours, i dont think im a office person, but i konw work is not gonna be always fun. so i take it. and i will try to squeeze out some fun elements from it. ahahaha. hopefully!!

OK. here is list of what i have done in the past week....
*Folding papers
*Sealing Mails
*Typing in member's information to the computer
*Passing out ads..
*and nothing else....

...??? sigh...... alright. . hopeful next week will be better. no i think it must be better.1!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Second week of internship at UCA

The snow was beautiful and surprising on Monday, it fell down so hard, covered street with pure white. like in the fairy story, something good thing gonna happen. hopefully.!! I was very glad to see the snow lol. Becuase it get me out of school for a whole day. which is fantastic. therefore obviously, i think there is no one went to his/her site at Monday.!!!

Internship was so boring this week, not even gonna lie. Doing the same thing over and over, again and again . That made me sick. All the thing i've done is fold the summer camp and after school tutoring ad. together! then put it onto letters that already folded into the envelope size and shape, after that is peeling of the mailing seals, and seal it one the letters. Its took away a plenty of my times yoo. even i have to worked overtime for it. Feeling not so fabulous when i was doing it. because i cant learn nothing from it. and as i thought about that i will be one day reserved to take off. i dont have to go there work. it's like some kind worth it!!! probbly....

The week was exhausting and demanding, nothing special that i can talk about!!! so yeah, that all i have done i the past week. !!! best wish that i can be doing something that nice and meaningful next week.. ..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

United Chinese Association of Brooklyn

It all started at Monday, and now i have been a intern in the United Chinese Association of Brooklyn for 3 days already. I kinda like that the place, peoples and works. mostly i do in that UCA is organized the files and planning for the outside activities that are coming soon, as long as the weather gets warm.

my mentor is a very nice students, she named Vincci and she is also from the lafeyette high school, the one on the 4th floor. The first day i went to the site, i was lost, the place was so hard for me to find, they having a huge sign on the second floor but a small door on the first floor, also there is no ad outside, therefore, just to find the place took up 30 mins. Finally i got there, there is only i guy in there and he was downstair checking out the mails, i got in and walked to the second floor, but there was no body there. then the guy downstair asked me :"may i help you." and i told him who i am and whats im coming here for. he probably knows me, cause last time i went on interview, he was talking on the phone with somebody, and he also a worker in the UCA, his name is Andy, the executive Director in that place. He is a very mild and gentle, also very friendly Director, he started conversation with me, we talked things about my interests, and i know he wanna know my interest because he wanna to have a good time in UCA, he doesnt want give me things that i dont like to do, and give me things i do that will helps me in the future.

Second day was very interesting, too. Because my mentor get out school at 12.15, so usually she got there in UCA at 1p.m. But Andy was there at 12 o'clock, and today we also talked like for a hour, we talked things like the politic and how we could do in UCA that could help the Asian-American's rights. afterward, My mentor vincci gave me some file to organize, things like to combain the duplicated address into one, and change the first name into Family. after i done with it, the times up, then i signed out and went home. At third day, things happened are similar with the second day, so here im not gonna talking about it here. except that andy ask me to join the Lion Dance Club, i'm really exciting about it ... .

Hopefully i could learn things about how to getting in right college and how to help my ethinically fellow, also i could also learn how to defend myslelf with the laws, last thing to say, i wanna be more involved in this society... thank you very much UCA. . . I enjoyed working there..