Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final reflection

1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were you goals? Did you meet these goals?
At very beginning, I was saying that i wish i could help more community member with my ability, learnning more knowledges about the procedure of get into a good college and learn more about the laws to use to defend my own right. But to be honest, it is not totally what i eager to learn in UCAOB, my intention of working for UCAOB is to learn more of NETWORK, AND BUSSINESS. ANYONE, no matter who you are, all have selfish side in your mind. i dont want just go in to UCAOB to serve and help all the members, and whats in there for me? I'm not that great, OK? but i do love to see the big smile on those people's face when they got their problem solved. and i enjoyed talking with my mentor Andy. i learnt alot from him. Only thing i regret and unsatisfide about this site is i don't think my english skill improved any and i don't really have chance to speak any english to anyone. So, overall, i dont think i have meet those goles that i set for myself, only quarter way through, i guess.

2. What are the most important things you’ve learned?
Wow. honestly, i don't now how to response to this question. MOST IMPORTANT??? really don't have much i have learnt from that, maybe all those details could add to a big idea. but i don't know how to summarize it. anyways, i guess how the non-profit like UCAOB function is what i learnt most important!!

3. In what ways have your grown as a student/young adult?
Actually, i feel like i have grown up already, more mature, handle things more carefully, and to the adult, i became more polite and more respectful. in addtion. i work more efficently and effectively,, i guess.

4. What were the highlights of your internship experience?
every guest went to the UCAOB is a highlight to me. all of them came to UCAOB for variety of problem. and seeing them got their problem solve i also feels very happy for them. But for those citizens like age between 30-40, come to UCAOB apply for housing or food stamps, i dont really like it. because i think lazy people should not get rewarded and being helped .

5. Describe a memorable moment or experience.
Oh, this is hard for me to answer, because everyday is the same. . so sorry.

6. What challenges did you overcome?
Biscally, i haven't really encounter any challenges, one chanllege i think i mentioned once in the past blog is making a phone call for a senior customer who came to UCAOB, and he wanna to know how long it will takes him to know where he will be assign with a apartment room. so my mentor was busy, he ask me to make phone call for this senior. and i was pretty nevous because i haven't done such thing before. so the first call was not successful, i didn't know what to say. so i thinked about it for a minutes, and called again, the phone is answered by some lady, and i asked if the one i looking for is there. but the lady hang up the phone. i was vary embarressed and went to talk to my mentor, and i lied to him, i say: "i called the number and a lady picked up the phone, but she told me that nobody there. and so my mentor called the phone again, fortunately, the someone i asked for really not there. so i was relaxed after then..

7. What advice would you give a new intern at this site? Your answer to this question will be used next year with the upcoming juniors.
I would suggest them ask questiones more frequently, and talk to your mentor more, when he is free. and by chance, if you done with your work, and your mentor is busy help others, you could go talk to others who need help. maybe you can help them out, because a lot of them come in UCAOB just because they dont get what the english letter says. in addition, if there is no othere guest needs help and your mentor is helping someone. listen to their conversation. you will learnt alot from it.

8. What will you miss about your internship?
i think what i will miss the most is talking to my mentor. Andy. because you really gives me alot of advice during our conversation.

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